The 13th international workshop on the "Dark Side of the Universe 2017"
will be held at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), S. Korea. The
Dark Side of the Universe ( DSU ) workshops bring together a wide range
of theorists and experimentalists to discuss ideas on models of the dark
side, and relate them to current and future experiments.
Topics covered include dark matter, dark energy, cosmic rays, neutrino
physics, cosmology, early Universe phenomenology and physics beyond the
standard model.
The homepage is at
(There is no registration fee for this workshop.)
DSU2017 is supported by the Institute for Basic Science and jointly
hosted by Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe (CTPU /
Particle Theory and Cosmology Group), Center for Axion and Precision
Physics Research (CAPP) and Center for Underground Physics (CUP).
Best wishes,
On behalf of the LOC,
Ki-Young Choi