positions in phenomenology
Dear colleague
Would you please kindly forward to potentially interested people the following announcement of six junior
postdoctoral positions in phenomenology
Thank you very much in advance
Belen Gavela
Professor of Theoretical Physics UAM and IFT Madrid
Six positions on Particle Physics Phenomenology: Neutrinos, Dark Matter, Higgs physics and BSM
phenomenology in general. Application deadline December 11th.
These positions are intended as a first step towards postdoctoral research, with starting dates around the
fall 2017, or earlier if convenient. They are ESR (Early Stage Researcher) positions of the Horizon 2020
ITN Elusives, with destinations at the following institutes:
* Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and Institute for Theoretical Physics (IFT) UAM-CSIC
* IPPP at Durham University (UDUR)
* LPT (Laboratoire de Physique Theorique, Orsay), with the Centre Nationnal de la Recherche Scientifique
(CNRS) (Orsay)
* University of Valencia (UVEG) and Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC)
* International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)
* University of Padova (INFN)
Elligible candidates may be of any nationality and at the time of recruitment:
—> Must be in the first four years (full-time equivalent) of their research careers and have not yet been
awarded a doctoral degree. e.
—> Must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of
destination for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the recruitment date.
The network extends to:
*Beneficiaries in seven European countries: Spain (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid/IFT, University of
Valencia/IFIC, University of Barcelona), UK (Durham University, University of Southampton), France (CNRS:
LPT-Orsay, IPLT-Saclay, IPN-Lyon, LPC-Clermont, LPSC-Grenoble), Germany (Max Planck Institutes at
Heidelberg and Munich, Karlsruhe University/KIT, University of Göttingen, DESY, Heidelberg University),
Italy (INFN: Univ. of Padova, SISSA, University of Milano-Bicocca), Switzerland (University of Zurich).
*Scientific Partner Organizations: CERN plus partner organizations in seven non-European countries: USA
(Harvard University., Columbia University.-XENON expt., Fermilab theory group + all major neutrino and dark
matter expts., University of Washington, University of California at Berkeley-LBNL, Stony Brook
University.), Japan (ICRR and KAVLI IPMU, University of Tokyo), China (Institute of High Energy Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences), Brazil (Sao Paulo University), Colombia (Antonio Nariño U.), Egypt (Zewail
City for Science), India (HRI, New Delhi U.), Iran (IPM).
*Private-Sector Partner Organizations: Hamamatsu, Kromek, GMV, Medialab, Narcea Multimedia, and newspaper
El País.
All positions include a month long stay in another European main node plus stays at our partner nodes: at
least one month at one major world laboratory and a short stay at one of our private sector partners.