School of Physics - HEP Weekly Seminar
عنوان: پایستگی بارهای چندقطبی و نتایج آن در تابش الکترومغناطیس
Title: Multipole charge conservation and implications on electromagnetic radiation
Speaker: Ali Seraj
Affiliation: IPM
We show that conserved charges associated with a specific subclass of gauge symmetries of Maxwell electrodynamics are proportional to the well known electric multipole moments. The symmetries are residual gauge transformations surviving after fixing the Lorenz gauge, and have nontrivial charge. These "Multipole charges" receive contributions both from the charged matter and electromagnetic fields. The former is nothing but the electric multipole moment of the source. In a stationary configuration, there is a novel equipartition relation between the two contributions. The multipole charge, while conserved, can freely interpolate between the source and the electromagnetic field, and therefore can be propagated with the radiation. Using the multipole charge conservation, we obtain infinite number of constraints over the radiation produced by the dynamics of charged matter.